Who We Are (This is OutOfDate, and will be updated soon)

The Huntsville-Madison County RACES is comprised of both General Membership and the Advisory Council.

General Membership
The General membership is comprised of volunteer amateur radio operators who have met and maintain compliance with the membership criteria. These operators will be the main task force of the unit and will be responsible for reports during RACES operations.

Advisory Council
The Advisory Council is made up of the following Executive Postions:

  • Radio Officer - Ken Magnant W4WEY
    The Radio Officer is the primary leader of the RACES unit. He functions as the technical advisor for the unit and presides over the Advisory Council meetings.
  • Training Coordinator - Rolf Goedhart K4RGG
    The Training Coordinator develops training programs and appoints members of the Advisory Council to implement them.
  • Administrative Coordinator - Carl Rourk K4CHR
    The Administrative Coordinator documents and maintain records of membership, participation, training and maintains the website.
  • Repeater Trustee - Don Neville K4RSB
    The Repeater Trustee maintains the RACES repeater network equeipment and provides technical expertise and support to the Advisory Council.
  • RACES Unit Coordinator - Scott Worsham W4SSW
    Appointed from the HMC EMA staff, the RACES Unit Coordinator is the primary liaison between the HMC EMA Director and the Advisory Council.